Inexorable Spring, post-eclipse edition

May 20, 2022

Wasn’t that something? Pictures show the moon as darker than it was. Where I live, the sky is dark at night and the moon stayed fairly bright, with a strong red cast.

Usually I don’t do much spellwork until after the solar/lunar eclipse period is past, and I especially don’t try to manifest anything in that trough period between a solar and lunar eclipse. However, this month I chose to use this powerful eclipse for clearing obstacles. Hopefully I’ll be ready and willing to let go.

Giant from Hurricane Mountain

I realized the other day that life events are facilitating the knee surgery I’ve been putting off. My car died in October 2020, and the dearth of vehicles in the heart of COVID meant I had to replace it with an automatic transmission, though I usually prefer standard. Then I had to change insurance for another unrelated matter. I’m still looking for a place to live, and it occurred to me that I should make sure this time it’s a ground floor house or apartment. My spirit guides told me “surgery may be necessary,” so I’ve decided to try to consciously move in the direction things are going anyway. I’m really not enthused about going under the knife again.

We had a week of hot dry weather last week. The budding trees seemed ready to pop their leaves, and I was thinking that the forest would be shaded again the day after a rain. Saturday mid-afternoon we had a hard heavy rain, with hail coming down like navy beans, and I was shocked to see the leaves spring out in only a few hours.

Happy Spring. It’s truly here.